Resident case studies

Imtiaz's employment story

BSL Support

Imtiaz had worked for over 20 years and loved his job, but diabetes was causing his vision to deteriorate, making it increasingly difficult to do his job. That was until he asked his employer to apply for funding to purchase equipment to support him.

“I have always enjoyed my job, but as my eyesight deteriorated I began to find it harder to do simple things like read letters and work on the computer. Straining to read gave me headaches and was having an effect on my health.”

"Having the right equipment has helped dramatically"

Imtiaz contacted the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) who conducted an at work assessment to see whether additional equipment might assist him. The RNIB spent a day observing Imtiaz to see how he worked. They recommended he should have a:

  • Large screen PC with a large print keyboard
  • Large button telephone
  • Magnifying screen
  • Portable magnifier for reading documents off screen.

Together Imtiaz and his employer applied for an Access to Work grant, to provide the equipment that the RNIB recommended and when it was installed Imtiaz found he was able to return to his full functioning capacity at work.

“It made a great difference being able to see things in large font and everything magnified and being able to use the phone.

I no longer needed a magnifying glass to see the numbers on the keypad. It is a vast improvement in my work experience and having the right equipment has helped dramatically.

Looking at documents, using the magnifier, it was very helpful because previously I had to ask someone to read a document to me but now I can read them myself at my own pace".


Our Newham Work

Address: 112-118 The Grove
E15 1NS

Open Mon - Fri
Registration 9am - 4.30pm

Telephone: 020 3373 1101

Documents related to Imtiaz's employment story

Pages related to Newham Employment Support