BSL Live

Contact Adult Social Care using BSL Live

BSL Support

If you are a British Sign Language (BSL) user and would like support to access the health and adult social care information on this website, you can use the BSL Live service provided by SignVideo – an online BSL interpreting company.

How does the BSL Live service work?

BSL Live connects you to a SignVideo interpreter through a video call. The interpreter will be able to view the same webpage as you and interpret the content for you.

They can also call the Access to Adult Social Care Team for you if you have further queries or need to discuss your care needs.

This service is available for free and can be accessed from home during SignVideo’s operating hours which are Monday to Friday, between 8am - 6pm.

What do I need to do to use BSL Live?

To use SignVideo BSL Live, you will need:

  1. Device: An internet enabled / video capable device such as a PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone.
  2. Good internet connection
    • You can use WiFi, a 3G/4G/5G connection or plugged in broadband. Free Wi-Fi is available at all Newham libraries to library card holders.
    • The quality of the call will depend on the strength of your internet connection. Ideally, you will need a 2mbps upload and download internet speed.
    • Using BSL Live when not connected to a Wi-Fi network will use your mobile data allowance and therefore you may incur charges from your mobile provider. It usually uses the same amount of data as a Skype or FaceTime call (1MB per minute of your call). Use WiFi if you are worried about incurring any charges.

Please note BSL Live works on all browsers except for Internet Explorer. 

How do I use BSL Live?

There are two main ways you can use the BSL Live service.

Through the SignVideo app

  • Download the SignVideo app using the appropriate app store for your device. The minimum operating system requirements are iOS 12.3, macOS 10.14, Android 5.0, and Windows 10 version 17763.0. 
  • Once you’ve downloaded the app, open it to access the SignVideo directory. Search for Newham Council and select it to make your call and get connected to an interpreter.
  • Click on the ‘Connect to a BSL interpreter’ button below to connect to a SignVideo interpreter. You will then be connected and able to start the conversation in BSL.

Via the web

  • Click on the ‘Connect to a BSL interpreter’ button below to connect to a SignVideo interpreter. You will then be connected and able to start the conversation in BSL.
Connect to a BSL interpreter
  • You can also click on the logo below when you are navigating the health and adult social care pages.

SignVideo call button

  • Once you are connected to an interpreter, tell them that you are calling to use the Newham Council health and adult social care webpages or to call the Access to Adult Social Care Team.
Signvideo logo

BSL Live

For troubleshooting and technical guidance please email or call SignVideo's customer service team. BSL Live is available Monday - Friday Thursday: 09:00-18:00, excluding public holidays.