What is the 50 steps?

Everyone in Newham should have the opportunity to thrive, and to have healthy, happy, and fulfilled lives. Good health not only gives everyone a chance to achieve their potential and lead a meaningful, enjoyable life; it is also a vital way to build the population’s resilience, given Newham’s growing and ageing population.

50 Steps to a Healthier Newham 2024-2027 aims to improve health for all Newham residents, and reduce health inequalities.

50 Steps 2020-2023 was delivered by working together: it was only through partnership working between the council, the NHS and a wide range of other partners, including voluntary, community and faith organisations, that we could improve health in Newham. As a result, not only have we had an effect on residents’ health, but the vital relationships needed to have impact at scale have been strengthened. This 50 Steps approach was recognised by judges at the MJ Awards, who gave the strategy top prize and called it ‘manifestly a collective endeavour focused on local wider determinants’. The refreshed strategy for 2024-2027 builds on these successes and on the learning from 50 Steps 2020-2023.