- You can find this car park located at the entrance off Selsdon Road, Upton Park, E13 9BA.
- Address
- Selsdon Road, Upton Park, E13 9BA
- Parking spaces
144 parking spaces
9 spaces dedicated to disabled users
4 motorcycle spaces
6 parent and child spaces - Opening hours
Open 24 hours a day, but charges only apply between 6am and 10pm Monday to Saturday. Normal charges apply on Bank holidays.
Vehicles which exceed 2.3m in height and/or 5.3m in length are not allowed to park in Council car parks and it is the vehicle owners sole responsibility to ensure that their vehicle does not exceed these dimensions before they purchase a season ticket or pay for parking.
Queens Market Car Park is only suitable for cars, SUV’s, vans and other small vehicles. The vehicles maximum gross weight should be limited to between 2.5 - 3.0 tonne, as the access ramp has a weight limit of 3.0T. Failure to adhere to these restrictions may incur enforcement action.
Vehicles which are considered to be in breach of this policy will be subject to enforcement. - Emission based charging
- You can find this car park located at the entrance off Selsdon Road, Upton Park, E13 9BA. This car park has been awarded a Park Mark Safer Parking Award. The Park Mark® Safer Parking Scheme is a Police Crime Prevention Initiative (Police-CPI) and is aimed at reducing both crime and the fear of crime in parking facilities. Look for the Park Mark® tick to ensure safer parking. Safer Parking status, Park Mark®, is awarded to parking facilities that have met the requirements of a risk assessment conducted by the police.