What we spend and how we spend it

As a council, it’s important to us that our residents feel they get value from our services, and we are transparent about how we make decisions and allocate funding. In this section of the website, you can find details of our budgets and accounts, financial regulations, procurement, tendering and contracts.

Annual accounts

Statement of Accounts for each year

Asset management plan

You can find details of our asset management plan in our council budget.

Asset Management Action Plan (PDF)

           Additional documents:

Newham Council’s Budget

Councillors allowance and expenses

Newham People’s Budget Forum

Newham Council is committed to delivering a budget for residents. Find out how we have engaged with residents to make the budget process as transparent and inclusive as possible through the Newham People Budget’s Forum.

Council spending

​As part of our commitment to be open and transparent, each month we publish a report that lists payments made to our suppliers with a value of more than £250.

How we buy services

You can find information on how we procure goods, services, building and other works, including current contract/tendering opportunities in the procurement section

External auditor’s report

Our external auditor reports annually on our performance and on the effectiveness of our financial control systems, find out more on our annual accounts page.

Financial audit reports

Our Audit Committee considers our internal audit reports. You can find reports submitted to the Audit Committee in the meeting agendas. Find out more about our Audit Committee.

Internal financial regulations

You can find our internal financial regulations in Part 4 of our constitution 

Spending Reviews

Information on our value for money framework 

Staff pay and allowances

We are currently in the process of updating our page on senior staff salaries to reflect recent changes.

Statement of investment principles

You can find the statement of investment principles on our pension fund page