People Powered Places

People Powered Places

People Powered Places is London Borough of Newham's flagship programme of participatory budgeting and is a beacon of best practice in participatory democracy. The programme has become one of the largest participatory budgeting initiatives in the UK, delivering lasting transformation with more than 300 projects funded that have had real impact on the borough. 

The current cycle of People Powered Places launched in April 2023, with £1.6million available for resident-funded projects, and Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector-funded projects. You can find out all about the funded projects on Newham Co-Create People Powered Places | (

In June 2023, we held “Our Priorities” events in all eight neighbourhoods across Newham, where 700 residents decided on local priorities funded projects would have to respond to.  

01 Our priorities photo for web

“Our Solutions” events were held in July 2023, where potential project leads could test out their ideas to 699 residents and council staff across Newham. 717 ideas were generated and 136 were worked up into a project idea.  

02 Our solutions photo for web

Applications opened at the end of July 2023, and we received 366 application forms. Working Groups across the neighbourhoods scored all the application forms before going to a public vote. 

10,000 residents who live, work or learn in the borough voted on their favourite projects. 1,950 residents turned out to vote at an in-person voting event, as well as drop-in voting at libraries and community centres across the borough and online on Newham Co-Create. This led to 120 projects receiving funding to make a real difference in their area.  

03 The big vote photo for web

Over June 2024, 763 residents came together at “Our Projects” events across Newham to find out how projects were progressing and how they could get involved. You can find out about all the projects on Newham Co-Create People Powered Places | (

All projects are due to complete in December 2024. We will be holding events in January 2025 to celebrate the achievements of projects across the borough.  

People powered places cycle 

The programme started as Community Citizen’s Assemblies in 2018, and progressed into Community Assemblies between 2021 and 2023. The programme relaunched as People Powered Places in April 2023.