Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Wellbeing Board is a group of people from different organisations who work together in partnership to improve the health of people in Newham.

The organisations that work on this Board include the London Borough of Newham council officers who manage Adults and Health, Children Services, Public Health, NHS North East London, Newham University Hospital (part of Barts Health NHS Trust) and HealthWatch Newham, who provides a voice for residents.

The Board produces a joint strategy which shows what it will do to improve health in Newham. This is currently being led by Public Health.


The vision of Newham Health and Wellbeing Board is where:

  • ​People are equipped with the right information and tools to make healthy choices for themselves and their families.
  • We make best use of our community assets to create more opportunities that support better health and wellbeing.
  • Services work together to respond to local needs informed by evidence of what has the biggest impact on people’s lives.


Our work includes:

  • Setting up arrangements for joint commissioning and pooled budgets when they are appropriate
  • Preparing the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Newham and look at how joint working such as pooled budgets can help to develop the strategy
  • Make recommendations to Newham Council and NHS North East London based on the JSNA
  • Make recommendations for the commissioning strategy plans – including developing joint commissioning – for local NHS services, health improvement and social care
  • Agree results and performance targets for monitoring
  • Promote integrated working between health and social care commissioners and joint working with commissioners of services which have an impact on the health of Newham’s residents.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

We work with the NHS North East London to prepare the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. The document sets out the health and wellbeing needs of Newham residents now and in the future, based on a number of factors including:

  • Population
  • Use of health and social care services
  • Patterns of illness and poor health
  • Factors that affect health, including housing, poverty, employment and the environment.

To view the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment documents, you can visit the NHS North East London.

A current priority is 50 Steps, the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. You can find more information here on the 50 Steps to a Healthier Newham page.

Supporting Our Young People to be Healthy and Ready for Adult Life

The second priority of Well Newham, 50 Steps to a Healthier Borough Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2023 is to support our young people to be healthy and ready for adult life. 

Pages 19-26 of our Well Newham, 50 Steps to a Healthier Borough Health and Wellbeing strategy (PDF) outlines the areas how we will support our young people through health promoting environments, improve mental health and wellbeing, youth safety, support to maintain a healthy weight and enable them to achieve their full potential.


The current membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board and details of recent meetings can be found here on the Committee Details.