Who might we share your information with?
We are required by law to provide copies of the full register of electors to certain organisations and individuals (such as political parties, agents, candidates and some government organisations like the Electoral Commission and the Office for National Statistics).
They may use it for their own reasons which are different to ours but they still have to look after the data contained in the register in the same way that we do.
To verify your identity, the data you provide will be processed by the Individual Electoral Registration Digital Service (IERDS) which is managed by the Cabinet Office. As part of this process, your data will be shared with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the Cabinet Office suppliers that are data processors for the IERDS. You can find more on the government register to vote privacy page.
If you have not opted out of being included on the open register, by law your information can be shared with anyone who requests it. They may use it for their own reasons which are different to ours. Find out more about the difference between the full and open registers.
In accordance with law, the full register of electors has to be made available for public inspection. The full register of electors for London Borough of Newham is available to be viewed by any member of the public at Newham Dockside, 1000 Dockside Road, London E16 2QU. People who inspect the register must be supervised by a member of the Electoral Services team and are only allowed to take hand written notes. They are not allowed to take copies or photographs of the register.
Both the full and open registers are comprised of names and addresses. They do not contain any phone numbers or email addresses.
Other occasions when your information needs to be shared include:
- with our printers and software providers, to compile and manage the register, to provide online response services, to print poll cards, postal vote packs and other electoral registration and elections materials
- with credit reference agencies, the British Library and other statutory recipients of the register of electors
- details of whether you have voted (but not how you have voted) with those who are entitled in law to receive it after an election
- where the health and safety of others is at risk
- when the law requires us to pass on information under special circumstances, crime prevention or the detection of fraud as part of the National Fraud Initiative.
Our current software providers are Civica UK Limited Castlegate House Castlegate Drive Dudley DY1 4TD, and they also provide our online response service for the annual household canvass. Our current print providers are Financial Data Management PLC, 7 Electra Business Park, 160 Bidder Street, London, E16 4ES.
We are required by law to report certain information to appropriate authorities – for example:
- where a formal court order has been issued
- for the prevention or detection of a crime
- to the Jury Central Summoning Bureau indicating those persons who are aged 76 or over and are no longer eligible for jury service.