Previous election results

Plaistow North Ward By-Election 2023

Results of Plaistow North By-Election November 2023

A by-election took place in the Plaistow North Ward on 23 November 2023 – the results are:

Plaistow by-election results (PDF)

Notice of Election

The Notice of Election has been published on 19 October 2023 which is the start of the formal election timetable. This details all proceedings and statutory deadlines until polling day which is scheduled for Thursday 23 November 2023.

Notice of election Plaistow North (PDF)

Election timetable (PDF)

Statement of Persons Nominated (PDF)

Notice of Election Agents (PDF)

Notice of Poll (PDF)

Situation of Polling Stations (PDF)

Registration deadlines

Please note electors will be required to present photographic ID when voting at a polling station, more information on this can be found here show photographic ID at these elections.

If you don’t have a valid photographic ID you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. The deadline to apply for Voter Authority Certificate is 5pm, Wednesday 15 November 2023. View a list of accepted forms of photographic ID.

The deadline to register to vote is midnight Tuesday 7 November 2023. You can register to vote on the government website.

Alternatively, you can email us at to request an application form to be posted to you.

Postal vote deadline

From 31st October 2023, you will need to provide your date of birth, National Insurance number and signature on the application form. This is due to a change to electoral law which requires you to verify your identity when applying to vote by post.

If you are unable to provide your National Insurance number, you will need to provide an explanation. Further evidence will be requested by the Electoral Services team, such as a passport, driving licence or utility bills.

Old style applications received after 30 October 2023 (without a national insurance number) will be rejected. Applicants will be notified in writing and given instructions to re-apply.

The deadline to receive new postal vote applications or to change/cancel an existing postal, proxy or postal proxy vote arrangement is 5pm, Wednesday 8 November 2023.

Apply online: Apply for a postal vote - GOV.UK (

Download a postal application form Application to vote by post in England (

Proxy vote deadline

From 31st October 2023, you will need to provide your date of birth, National Insurance number and signature on the application form. This is due to a change to electoral law which requires you to verify your identity when applying to vote by proxy.

If you are unable to provide your National Insurance number, you will need to provide an explanation. Further evidence will be requested by the Electoral Services team, such as a passport, driving licence or utility bills.

Old style applications received after 30 October 2023 (without a national insurance number) will be rejected. Applicants will be notified in writing and given instructions to re-apply.

The deadline to receive new proxy vote applications (not postal proxy or emergency proxies) is 5pm, Wednesday 15 November 2023.

Apply online: Apply for a proxy vote - GOV.UK (

Download a proxy application form: Application to vote by proxy in England at a particular election (

Polling day is from 7am until 10pm on Thursday 23 November 2023.

Further details of nominated candidates, and polling stations will be published in due course as the timetable progresses.

Polling Station Finder

Polling Station Finder – Newham Council

Previous elections

A by-election was held in Boleyn and Wall End Ward on Thursday 13 July 2023.


Wall End by-election result (PDF)

Boleyn by-election result (PDF)