
The Mayor appoints elected councillors to the Cabinet to help her make decisions. ​​​​

Cabinet Member




Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz OBE


Portfolio lead for Inclusive Economy and Strategic Housing Delivery; Culture; Climate Emergency, Youth Empowerment, Youth Safety, Early Help & Children’s Health, Performance and Transformation

Supported by:

Councillor John Whitworth - Deputy Cabinet Member for Planning and Development, Air Quality and Climate Emergency

Councillor Caroline Adaja - Deputy Cabinet Member for Community Wealth Building, Business, Enterprise and Future World of Work

Councillor Rohit Dasgupta - Deputy Cabinet Member for Equalities, Social Justice and Culture

Councillor Steve Brayshaw - Commissioner for Skills and Lifelong Learning



​Councillor Sarah Ruiz

Statutory Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Environment, Sustainable Transport, Children Services and Education

Supported by:

Councillor Miraj Patel - Deputy Cabinet Member for Environment

Councillor John Morris - Deputy Cabinet Member for Highways and Sustainable Transport

Councillor Madeleine Sarley Pontin - Deputy Cabinet Member for Education


Councillor Zulfiqar Ali


Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources



Councillor Neil Wilson



Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care

Supported by:

Councillor Mumtaz Khan - Deputy Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care


Councillor Shaban Mohammed

Cabinet Member Member for Housing Management and Modernisation; Housing Needs, Homelessness and Private Rented Sector

Supported by:

Councillor Sabia Kamali - Deputy Cabinet Member Housing Management and Modernisation; Housing Needs, Homelessness and Private Rented Sector


Councillor Charlene McLean

Cabinet Member for Resident Engagement and Resident Experience

Supported by:

Councillor Canon Ann Easter - Commissioner for Interfaith and Interreligious Dialogue

Councillor Amar Virdee


Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Crime

Chair of Council and Civic Lead

​Councillor name


Councillor Rohima Rahman

​​Chair of Council 

Councillor Imam Haque

Deputy Chair of Council