Moving in or out of Newham

Parking permits

This page contains information about parking permits in Newham, including how to register for permits, change your vehicle or address details and how to cancel your permit.

Moving into Newham

If you are moving into Newham you may be able to apply for a parking permit.

Please note, some properties in the borough are part of car-free and car-restrained developments, which means you may not be entitled to a residential parking permit.

Find out more information about our online parking system MiPermit Newham.

Register for MiPermit Newham 

Change of vehicle

If you have registered for and manage your permits on MiPermit Newham and you have changed vehicle, you can manage the changes from your online account. You can cancel your current permit and any money due will refunded. You will then able to apply for a permit for your new vehicle.

Change of vehicle details 

Change of address

If you have a MiPermit Newham account and are changing your address you will need to call MiPermit on 0345 520 7007 to update your address detail on your account.

Moving out of Newham

If you are moving out of Newham, you can cancel your paperless permit on Mipermit Newham and any money due will be refunded.

Cancel your permit 

Contact us about Council Tax

Address: Council Tax and Benefits Service
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU

Telephone: 020 8430 2000