Legal disclaimer

We own the intellectual property rights to any information we produce or is produced on our behalf.


We, the London Borough of Newham, own the copyright in most of the materials on this website. The content of this website, unless otherwise stated, is copyright protected. All rights reserved.

We own the intellectual property rights to any information we produce or is produced on our behalf.

Reusing information from this website

We may licence the re-use of information from this website.

We assert our right to be identified as the author of such material, and you must clearly display a statement which identifies us as the owner when you reproduce it.

Find out more about re-using our information 


The use of any of our logos or coat of arms in any document or in association with any information shows that we have prepared or approved the document or information.

If no logo or coat of arms is included in the document or information we may still have produced it.

You are not allowed to use of any of our logos or coat of arms without consent.


All maps on this website are produced from Ordnance Survey material with permission of Ordnance Survey (Ref: 100019272) on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office © Crown Copyright (2011) and © Cities Revealed (2010).

Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.


We provide links to websites maintained by other organisations as part of our service, but we do not accept liability for the accuracy of quality of the content of those websites.

By providing these links we are not endorsing any external organisations, their websites or products and/or services they provide.

And by mentioning an external organisation or product on this website, we are not endorsing them, their suitability to provide services or that an identified product is fit for purpose.

Service availability

We shall try to make this website available at all times. However, we will not be liable if the website is unavailable for any length of time. We may suspend access to this site without giving prior notice.

Abuse and harassment

We will not tolerate abusive or harassing behaviour directed at our staff.

If we suspect abuse or harassment of our staff over the internet, through email or any other electronic system, we will take action which may include:

  • Covert or overt monitoring
  • Blocking users
  • Removal of offensive material
  • Disciplinary action
  • Reporting the matter to the police
  • Taking out an injunction against the abuser or harasser to stop the abuse or harassment.

Newham Council Data Protection Statement

We may collect and process personal data about you in order to comply with any legal or statutory obligations, or in order to enforce or apply our contracts with you or where you have consented to the processing.​

Read our processing personal data privacy notice which provides you with the necessary information regarding your rights and obligations, and explains how, why and when we collect and process your personal data.

Mayor and Councillor Privacy Notice

The Mayor and Councillors represent residents as part of their work in the community.

They contact officers of the Council and other organisations on your behalf to investigate your concerns and respond to your enquiries.

They are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a Data Controller.​

​Read the Mayor and Councillors Privacy Notice 

Public Health Data Shared with Newham Public Health

You have the right to opt out of Newham Public Health receiving or holding your personal identifiable information. There are occasions where service providers will have a legal duty to share information, for example for safeguarding or criminal issues.

The process for opting out will depend on what the specific data is and what programme it relates to. For further information, please email the Public Health team

For further information on data protection, the Council's use of information sharing, please phone the Information Governance Team on 020 8430 3737 or email

Online database of planning, building control and licensing applications (Public Access)

Any information you provide will be used for the purpose of processing applications and some of the information you provide will form part of the Public Register which we are required to publish by law.

We will not display your telephone number, email address or signature (if applicable) to the public.

Credit Reference Agency

We will share your personal information with suppliers of services in respect of any service you receive from us. This may include using the services of a Credit Reference Agency.

​Read TransUnion's privacy policy on their website  


Contact the Information Rights Team

Address: London Borough of Newham
Newham Dockside
4th Floor West
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU

Telephone: 020 8430 2000