Information we cannot give you
Unavailable information
If you ask us for information we do not have, we must tell you that we do not have it.
If we did have it but have permanently destroyed it, we must also tell you.
If we know another public body that may have the information, then we will either refer your request to the public body or tell you its name and contact details so you can make the request directly.
Your personal information
Any personal information the council holds on you cannot be disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This will be disclosed to you under the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.
If you have already made a Freedom of Information request for personal information, you do not need to make another request for information under the Data Protection Act 2018: we will automatically transfer your request.
If your request includes some of your personal data and other, non-personal information, the non-personal information will be considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Request your personal information.
Exempt information
Some types of information cannot be disclosed under the Act. This may mean that all or part of the information you request cannot be disclosed.
If we cannot give you information because it is exempt, we will write to you to tell you.
Find out which information is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act.