Licence to reproduce or re-use information
You will need to apply for a licence under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005, if you wish to re-use or reproduce:
- Our published information for commercial gain and/or
- More than 500 words for our information.
The licence will last for five years.
Included information
Most of the information we hold is included under these regulations.
The types of information you can apply to reproduce or re-use includes:
- Environmental information
- Geographical information
- Tourist information
- Statistics
- Census data
- All significant documents listed in our Publication Scheme.
Excluded information
The types of information which we do not licence for re-use includes:
- Information and/or documents held by schools and colleges
- Information and/or documents held by museums and libraries and other cultural institutions in Newham
- Information which is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations
- Documents that are not directly related to our core responsibilities such as documents of a commercial nature
- Information for which the copyright or intellectual property rights are owned by someone else.