Newham Armed Forces Community Covenant

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, are treated fairly.

It includes that:

  • The Armed Forces community should face no disadvantage in the provision of public and commercial services compared to other citizens.
  • Special consideration should be given when required, such as to the injured or the bereaved.

The London Borough of Newham with key partner organisations signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant in 2012.

London Borough of Newham has confirmed its commitment to the renewal of the borough’s Armed Forces Covenant.

Support available to members of the Armed Forces Community:

An app called Forces Connect is available to download from the Apple App Store and GooglePlay. It contains information about a range of services available to armed service personnel and veterans on issues like mental health, employment, education, family support, health and wellbeing package and housing and homelessness.

Newham and national support for housing, adult social care, job support, finance support, education, healthcare and advice is listed below.

Housing support

Newham’s Homelessness Prevention and Advice Service includes advice for people with an Armed Forces history.

Additional housing support is available from:

Veterans Aid
Provides advice if a former member of the Armed Forces is homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Free helpline 0800 012 6867 or 0207 828 2468

Shelter England
Brings together a range of support and advice. 

Op FORTITUDE- Riverside Care and Support
Op FORTITUDE is funded by The Armed Forces Covenant Fund to deliver a centralised referral pathway into veteran supported housing.   This includes working with individual veterans at risk of or experiencing homelessness and supporting them into suitable accommodation or maintaining their current home.

Adult social care

Disabled Facilities Grants may be recommended after an assessment by an Occupational Therapist (OT). The grant will enable home adaptations to be undertaken to reduce the physical environmental barriers which may impact and reduce independence for veterans with a physical disability.

Disabled Facilities Grants information is available from:

Disabled Facilities Grants: Overview - GOV.UK (
Home adaptations – Newham Council

Employment support 

Our Newham Work

Our Newham Work has been designed to help Newham residents into employment. Whatever your level of experience, we can provide support and advice about your next step.

Job Centre Plus provides back to work support to ex service personnel including:

  • Claiming benefits
  • CV support
  • Training
  • Advice

Armed forces access to Jobcentre Plus services - GOV.UK (

For additional support:


Ex-Forces employment support in England and Wales - The Poppy Factory

Financial support 

Our Newham Money offers free confidential support to Newham residents who may be struggling with debt or the everyday cost of living.

Additional financial support:
Veterans oyster card – Freedom Pass – Newham Council
What is a Blue Badge? – Blue Badge – Newham Council
War Widow(er) Pension: Overview - GOV.UK (

Education support 

For school admission support: Education and schools – Newham Council

Health support

East London Foundation Trust support for Armed Forces Communities including mental health support contacts and a directory of resources for members of the Armed Forces and their families:

Support for Armed Forces Communities | East London NHS Foundation Trust (

Information about Newham mental health support services including Talking Therapies, crisis and bereavement support plus fact sheets to support staying mentally well.

What is mental health? – Mental health support services – Newham Council

NHS support if you're in the British armed forces or are a veteran, a reservist or a family member of someone who is serving or who has served:

Healthcare for the armed forces community - NHS (

Mental health information and support for veterans, service leavers, reservists, families and carers including Op COURAGE, an NHS mental health specialist service designed to help serving personnel due to leave the military, reservists, armed forces veterans and their families.

Mental health support for veterans, service leavers and reservists - NHS (

National charities and support organisations:

SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity
The Royal British Legion | Armed Forces Charity
Get Help | Help For Heroes
Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund | Leading welfare charity (