Support across all ages

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Keep your child's growth charts and health records from the NHS with you wherever you are.

eRedbook stores information about immunisations, health reviews and screening tests securely in the cloud so they are always at hand. 

Access your child's NHS health records quickly and easily through eRedbook once your child's record is connected to the NHS.

If you are worried about your child’s development, please speak to your Health Visitor or GP.

Find out more on the eredbook website.

Request an  Education, Health and Care Plan assessment

Education Health and Care Plans (ECHPs) are for young people with additional needs.

They identify what these needs are and will be met by local services.

Families and young people can request an EHCP at any time from ages 0 to 25.

Find out more about EHCPs and how to apply here.
Access SEND services

If a young person has special educational needs or disability, they are entitled to a range of support from services in Newham.

These range from support for travel, education, healthcare, sport, participation and more.

Find out more through Newham’s Local Offer.
Social work assessment if a child is experiencing or at risk of harm or exploitation

If you are worried your child or any young person is experiencing or is at risk of experiencing harm, you can request support from Newham Children’s Service Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team.

Contact the team and find out more about the possible ways a child might experience harm and the indicators of this here.

You can also find out more about what constitutes exploitation and get help if you believe your child is at risk here.
Housing support for family if at risk of homelessness

If you or your family are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, there is support to help you find somewhere to stay and be safe.

Find out more and contact Newham’s Homelessness Prevention and Advice service here.
Access Early Help  

Newham’s Early Help service exists to support families who need extra help to tackle problems that are emerging for them and to do this as early as possible to prevent things getting more challenging.

You can find out more about the service and contact them here.
Access youth safety support

Keeping young people safe is one of the most important priorities for everyone in Newham.

The council and its partners are doing a lot of work to ensure young people feel and are safe. Find out more and access support for your family here
Support when bereaved

If your family or a young people suffers a death, you may be able to access support through Newham Bereavement Service.

Find out more about what help is available and how to access it here.
Support with mental health

Most people need support to manage their mental health at some point in their lives, including young people.

For many people this can come from friends, family or relatives. Some people, however, need a bit of extra support to stay well.

For young people, the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service exists to support young people with their mental health. Find out more here.

The ChatHealth text messaging service is also available for young people aged from 11 to 19 who are supported by the School Health Service. Find out more and how to access this here.

Newham’s service Headstart also offers a lot of support to help young people stay emotionally healthy.
Weight management services

Managing your weight is an important part of staying healthy for young people.

If young people need support to help them with this, this can be provided by Newham’s School Health team. Find more and how to contact them here.
Money management training

It is never too early to start to learn how to look after your money and manage your finances.

For young people or families who want to learn more, Our Newham Money provides a lot of services, advice and support to help you manage your finances.

And for young people who are 14 and older, the Moneyhouse runs a programme around managing finances and financial independence.

This is specifically targeted to reduce youth homelessness.
Receive support if young person is a young carer

If your child is a young carer, they are entitled to an array of support from Newham.

Find out more about who young carers here.

The organised Carers First provides specific one-to-one support for young people if they are a young carer. Find out more here.

You can also access a variety of resources for carers, from training to discounts to support groups here.
LGBTQ+ Support

For young people who are LGBTQ+, a lot of organisations exist to provide support, advice and services.

Two great organisations are:  Metro which is an equality and diversity charity providing health, community and youth services in England and Gendered Intelligence who provide direct provision for trans young people.

Young People's Substance Misuse Service

Newham Rise Young People’s Substance misuse service is an open access service run by Change, Grow, Live (CGL), offering free and confidential support and advice to young people affected by their own drug and/ or use, or a parent, guardian or carer’s substance use. 

Find out more on our Drugs & Alcohol page.

Youth Empowerment Fund

The Youth Empowerment Fund is a grant to support young people in achieving their ambitions.

It provides financial assistance to help them buy the resources, training or equipment required to learn and develop skills in the things they are passionate about.

Support across school ages

For information on support available during your child's time at school, please visit our support across school ages page.