Have your say on our services for looked after children
You can help improve the way we look after children and young people by joining our Children in Care Council.
You will be able to give your views to the people who organise services for looked-after children and young people. You could also:
- Get training
- Plan events
- Speak at conferences
- Go on trips out
- Learn new skills
- Meet peers, other young people in care
- Help to shape future children's services.
The Children in Care Council meets on the last Thursday of every month, from 5.30 – 7pm, at Newham Dockside, 1000 Dockside Road opposite the Royal Albert DLR station.
You will get vouchers as a thank you for taking part.
If you would like to join the Children in Care Council, you should phone the Children’s Rights Service on 0800 0152 443 or email them at childrensrights@newham.gov.uk.