Your rights when you are looked after
You have a right to:
- A home where you are safe and well cared for
- A social worker and later, an outreach worker
- Regular contact with your social worker by phone, email and visits
- A placement agreement and care plan which will tell you what we will do for you
- A regular review meeting where you can have your say about plans for your future
- See all relevant the reports we write about you
- Any specific support that you may need to help you reach your goals
- An independent person to support you if you are unhappy with our plans for your future
- Be consulted about the support you get, including where you live
- Be placed with any of your brothers and sisters who are also looked after, where it is possible to do that
- Have regular contact with your birth family, or other people important to you, if it is in your best interests
- Have help and support with your:
- language
- sexuality
- disability, if you have one
- education
- emotions and feelings
- health
- Be supported and encouraged to learn to live independently and to make friends and make the most of your free time
- Have a pathway plan from when you are 15 years and nine months old which will show the things you are good at and what you need to work on to prepare you for living independently later on
- Make a complaint if you are not happy with the support you get.