One year old

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Keep your child's growth charts and health records from the NHS with you wherever you are.

eRedbook stores information about immunisations, health reviews and screening tests securely in the cloud so they are always at hand. 

Access your child's NHS health records quickly and easily through eRedbook once your child's record is connected to the NHS.

If you are worried about your child’s development, please speak to your Health Visitor or GP.

Find out more about the eRedbook

Receives all the necessary immunisations

It is important to ensure that, by the time they are one year old, your baby gets all the necessary immunisations to keep them safe.

Newham’s health visiting service can support you with this.

Find out more about immunisations on the NHS website.

12-to-14- month review

Your baby is entitled to a 12-to-24 month health review. This helps to confirm that your baby is healthy and growing well and provide you and your baby with the best support if needed.

This review is provided by Newham’s health visiting service. Find out more.

Specialist Health Visiting Service

The specialist health visiting service provides a targeted service that supports vulnerable children aged 0-5 and their families. The service comprises of three specialist health visiting teams. Please click on the links below to find out more about the teams:

Specialist Health visitors for Perinatal Infant Mental Health (PIMH)

Specialist Health Visitors for children with SEND

Specialist Health visitors for HIV

Health Visiting Service

Health visitors work with children and their families from the antenatal period until children are five. We work in partnership with other agencies such as midwives, GPs, schools, social workers, voluntary services and children centres.  

Together we aim to improve the health and wellbeing of all children aged 0-5 and to prevent ill health through health promotion at individual and community level. 

Find out more about the Health Visiting Service

Receives all oral health and sensory checks

Now that your baby is starting to grow and explore the world, it is important they receive all their oral health and sensory checks. This will ensure that if any extra support is needed, it can be provided.  

These checks are provided by your dentist. Find and register for a dentist.

Access useful resources on how to maintain good oral hygiene for you and your baby.

Attend early years education

Attending early years education will help your child to have new experiences and develop.

Find out about the various options available for early years education in Newham.

Newham youth map

Search the Newham Youth Map for libraries, sports and physical activities, parks and outdoor spaces, youth organisations and event Newham. Created by Young People for Young People.

Newham Youth Map

Special educational needs and disability

Within Newham a number of agencies (including charities, parent groups, children’s centres, and youth services) provide support to children and young people with additional needs and their families