Newham Food Security Strategy

The Reality of Food Insecurity

Food security means that all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food.

However, across Britain too many children and families do not know where their next meal is coming from and for others, the only affordable option is food that is high in fat, sugar and salt. Undernutrition and obesity are two ends of a scale highlighting a diet that is not providing the right nutrition for health.

People living in more deprived areas are more likely to be overweight or obese. This is not surprising; although food insecurity can be triggered by a crisis, all too often it is a long-term situation for people living in poverty, without the ability to access or afford enough food for a healthy diet.

Mayor Fiaz has led a bold and innovative approach to tackling poverty through Community Wealth Building, and our Towards A Better Newham strategy. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the ongoing challenge, but in Newham the community and council together stepped up to this challenge when many families were left without enough food.

For too long, residents without true choices have been blamed for the decisions they make. This strategy looks to address the structural inequalities that mean deprivation too often means eating too few nutrients and too much fat, sugar and salt and not having access to the foods we need for good health and well-being.

How to get involved - everyone can help!

Find out more information on how to help. Everyone can help - voluntary, community and faith sector organisations (VCFS), residents, businesses, employers, campaigners and council

Useful contacts for Food Security

Three children having dinner

Newham Food Security Strategy (PDF)

Read the full Newham Food Security strategy for more information.