Four years old

Stage/factor More information

Keep your child's growth charts and health records from the NHS with you wherever you are.

eRedbook stores information about immunisations, health reviews and screening tests securely in the cloud so they are always at hand. 

Access your child's NHS health records quickly and easily through eRedbook once your child's record is connected to the NHS.

If you are worried about your child’s development, please speak to your Health Visitor or GP.

Find out more about the eRedbook

Start school

In the September after your child turns four, it is time for them to start school. Congratulations!

Find out more about applying for your child's place at school.
School entry health assessment

Once your child has started school, they will receive a school entry health assessment.

The school entry health assessment is sent to parent/carers when a child receives their reception school place offer.

This assessment is completed by the Children’s Health 0-19 Service.

This is so that any additional needs that may impact on your child’s health and enjoyment can be identified and supported to help them get the most out of school.

This assessment is done by Newham’s School health service. Find out more about the School Entry Health Assessment.
Planning your child’s journey to school

Your child is probably looking forward to going to school, but there is an important question: how will they get there?

To help you with this, schools write travel plans.

You might be able to access financial support to help with any costs of travelling to school. Find out more on our school travel costs page.

Newham is doing a lot of work to help make children’s experiences travelling to schools as safe and healthy as possible. Find out more about this work here.
Buy primary school uniform

Each school has its own uniform. You will need to contact the school your child will be attending directly to find out where to purchase this.

You can use the Newham School Factfinder to find the schools in your local area.

Individual Health Care Plans (IHCP) for children with long-term health conditions

Once your child turns four they are legally entitled to an Individual Health Care Plan, if they have a health need. This is particularly relevant if your child has a long-term health condition as the plan will help make sure their school understands these health requirements and is able to support your child effectively.

Newham’s School Health service ensures these are created for those young people who need them. Find out more about the Individual Health Care Plans (IHCP).

Health Visiting Service

Health visitors work with children and their families from the antenatal period until children are five. We work in partnership with other agencies such as midwives, GPs, schools, social workers, voluntary services and children centres.  

Together we aim to improve the health and wellbeing of all children aged 0-5 and to prevent ill health through health promotion at individual and community level. 

Find out more about the Health Visiting Service

Specialist Health Visiting Service

The specialist health visiting service provides a targeted service that supports vulnerable children aged 0-5 and their families. The service comprises of three specialist health visiting teams. Please click on the links below to find out more about the teams:

Specialist Health visitors for Perinatal Infant Mental Health (PIMH)

Specialist Health Visitors for children with SEND

Specialist Health visitors for HIV

Newham youth map

Search the Newham Youth Map for libraries, sports and physical activities, parks and outdoor spaces, youth organisations and event Newham. Created by Young People for Young People.

Newham Youth Map

Special educational needs and disability

Within Newham a number of agencies (including charities, parent groups, children’s centres, and youth services) provide support to children and young people with additional needs and their families