Childhood Immunisations

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book my child’s vaccinations?

You'll usually be contacted by your GP surgery when your child is due for a routine vaccination. This could be a letter, text, phone call or email.

If you know your child is due for a vaccination, it's best to speak to your GP surgery to book the appointment. You do not need to wait to hear from them.

It is important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection. If you or your child missed a vaccine, you can still contact your GP to catch up.

I am not sure if my child is vaccinated. What do I do?

You can check your child’s vaccination status in their red book. You can also call your GP.

My child is not registered with a GP. What do I do?

Everyone can register with a GP in Newham. It doesn’t matter what your immigration status is, or whether or not you have permanent home address.

To find a GP near you, click here.

If you need help registering, you can call the Council for free at 0800 916 8757 (Open Monday – Friday, 10am – 5.30pm). There is support available in multiple languages.

What if my child is sick on the day of their vaccine appointment?

Your baby can still have their vaccinations if:

  • they have a minor illness without a high temperature – such as a cold
  • they have allergies, asthma, eczema or food intolerances
  • they were born prematurely

It's really important that premature babies still have their vaccinations from 8 weeks old. They may be at higher risk of catching infections if you wait.

What should I expect after my child’s vaccine appointment?

Your baby or child may cry for a little while after a vaccination, but they should feel better after a cuddle.

Sometimes the area where the needle goes in can be sore and red for 2 to 3 days. This should go away on its own.

Some children may also develop a high temperature (fever). If you want, you can give them liquid paracetamol or ibuprofen for children to bring their temperature down.

Are vaccines safe?

All vaccines are thoroughly tested to make sure they will not harm you or your child.

It often takes many years for a vaccine to make it through the trials and tests it needs to pass for approval.

Once a vaccine is being used in the UK it's also monitored for any rare side effects.

I have more questions - who can I speak to?

If you have questions about childhood vaccinations, it is best to contact your GP. You can also speak to your Health Visitor.

If you need help registering with a GP or booking an appointment for your child’s vaccine, you can ask your Health Visitor, children centre or GP to help you.

Polio Virus

Polio is a very, very rare disease nowadays due to successful vaccination programmes around the world and there have been no cases in the UK for many years. We know that some children missed out on vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic but it’s not too late to get your children vaccinated.