18 - 25 years old

Stage/factor More information
School Health Service

Our school health service aims to support children and young people from five to 19 years and their families, to enable them to reach their full potential.

We offer information and support in the following areas; emotional health and well-being, managing complex and additional health needs, monitoring growth and development and support with growing up and preparing to become an adult. 

Find out more about School Health Service

End of mandatory education

Legally, young people must do one of these three things after they leave school:

  • stay in full-time education, for example at a college
  • start an apprenticeship or a traineeship
  • spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering, while in part-time education or training

This lasts until young people turn 18. Find out more on the gov.uk website.

When young people have completed their mandatory education, they have a lot of opportunities open to them, from employment, university, starting a business to apprenticeships. Find your passion and go for it!
Youth Empowerment Fund    

The Youth Empowerment Fund is a grant to support young people in achieving their ambitions.

It provides financial assistance to help them buy the resources, training or equipment required to learn and develop skills in the things they are passionate about.

Find out more about the Youth Empowerment Fund.

Voting age

A really important milestone in a young person’s life is being able to vote for the first time.

All UK citizens, once they turn 18, are eligible to vote in British elections. But in order to do so, you need to register.

Find out more about how to vote.

Register to vote.

Leaving home

Now a young person has left school, whether they’re going on to university, an apprenticeship or full-time employment, they may be starting to think about moving out from the family home.

There are a few important things to consider when making this decision and there is support available to ensure this change goes as smoothly as possible.

When leaving home, it may be important for young people to think about their own financial independence. Support and advice around this could come from Newham’s Youth Empowerment Fund.

Our Newham Money also has a lot of services, advice and support to help you manage your finances. You can also find advice on dealing with and managing debt.

Young people may wish to buy a home, this may require some saving. Our Newham Money provides support on how to save. Newham offers support to help buy low-cost homes. Find out more about these schemes.

Another option is to rent from a private landlord. You can read more about this on the citizens advice website and on our renting privately webpage.

Housing can also be provided by the Council. To access this you will need to apply to join the housing register. Find more and apply.
Starting full-time work

For young people who are starting full-time work, there are a lot of things it is useful to be aware of such as your rights at work, how to join a trade union, what happens if you suffer an industrial injury or if you’re made redundant.

You can read more about these and access advice and guidance at any time through Newham’s employment rights hub.
Starting university

Going to university is a big challenge and a big change for many young people.

Luckily, a lot of help is out there to support young people as they start university.

Find out more about the financial support that’s available.

The National Union of Students (NUS) campaigns and fights for students’ interests.

Charity Student Minds also exists to support the mental health of young people who are attending university.
Access to apprenticeships

One of the options available to young people is to complete an apprenticeship. Find out more about these and how to apply.

Our Newham Work provides a lot of resources to help you apply for apprenticeships, as well as opportunities for apprenticeships in Newham.

Entrepreneurship support

For young people who want to start a business, it can be helpful to receive support to turn their ideas into reality.

Find out more about advice and guidance on things to consider when starting a business.

A few organisations provide this support specifically to young people in Newham, particularly Prince’s Trust and Social Ark.

A business incubator for businesses started by young people from Newham is also provided by Expressway.
Further learning

Even if you are not attending university or starting an apprenticeship, there is no need to stop learning!

Our Newham Learning and Skills offers part-time day and evening courses in a wide range of subjects and skills. Find out more and sign-up.
Can legally drink alcohol

Once young people turn 18, they can be served alcohol legally in shops and other public places.

While many people are able to consume alcohol safely, if it becomes a problem for young people, services exist to support them through this.

Find out more about Newham’s service Change Grow Live and how to contact them.
Applying for Universal Credit, Housing Benefit or Jobseeker’s Allowance.

Once you turn 18 and are no longer in full-time education, you may be entitled to claim various benefits to support you financially.

Find out more about these and how to apply.
Getting married or registering a civil partnership

Once a young person is 18, they can legally get married without the permission of their parents or guardians.

However, to do this you must register with the Council. Find out how to do this.

Find out more about the implications and benefits of getting married or entering a civil partnership.
Having a family

For young people who decide to start a family, there is support available in Newham.

Maternity services at Barts Health will provide you and your child with support during pregnancy and birth and Newham’s Family Nurse Partnership will support your family as your baby grows.
Register to vote From 16 years of age, you can register to vote via www.gov.uk/register-to-vote You will need your national insurance number, this can be found on your NI card, employee payslip or correspondence from HMRC.

Find out more about voting on our How to Vote page.

Newham youth map

Search the Newham Youth Map for libraries, sports and physical activities, parks and outdoor spaces, youth organisations and event Newham. Created by Young People for Young People.

Newham Youth Map

Youth Empowerment Weekly Activities Programme

Parents, children and young people can access our weekly updated schedule of activities via the Youth Empowerment Service Padlet.

Special educational needs and disability

Within Newham a number of agencies (including charities, parent groups, children’s centres, and youth services) provide support to children and young people with additional needs and their families