Street trading licence

Consultations on applications for street trading licences

We may ask for the public's views on your application. This consultation may include publishing your application and giving the public 21 days to make representations (raise questions or objections).

As some areas of Newham have problems with disorder and public nuisance, we created cumulative impact zones.

If you apply to trade in one of these zones, our Licensing Committee will decide your application. When it does, it will take into account these problems and any effect your future trading might have on them.

If you wish to check whether an area is in a zone, contact us by phone on 020 3373 1925 or by email:

To read the law on street trading, go to the Government's Legislation website.

Contact Licensing Authority

Address: Licensing Team
East Ham Town Hall
Barking Road
E6 2RP

Telephone: 020 8430 2000