Cumulative Impact Policies were introduced as a tool for licensing authorities to limit the growth of licensed premises in a problem area.
This is set out in the statutory guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003.
Newham Council recognises that the cumulative effect of licensed premises may result in adverse effects on the licensing objectives and amenity and this in turn may have a number of undesirable consequences.
Cumulative impact zones are areas that we have designated to control licensable activity.
Newham Council has designated the following areas within Newham as marked on the interactive map being subject to a special Cumulative Impact Policy – you can search for an address or locate on the map to confirm if the premises falls within or outside of the designated areas.
For more information please refer to our Statement of Licensing Policy 2020-25 (PDF) and our model conditions (PDF), both also available on the website.