Licensing - responsible authorities

A list of authorities responsible for licensing.

If you apply for a premises licence or club premises certificate you need to send the application form(s) and documents (including two copies of the premises plans) to:

London Borough of Newham - Licensing TeamLicensing Team
East Ham Town Hall
Barking Road
E6 2RP

Tel: 0203 373 1925


You may also need to send copies of the application and documents (including plans) to:

Metropolitan Police - Licensing Department
Licensing Team
East Ham Town Hall
Barking Road
E6 2RP

Tel: 020 8217 5995

Fire Safety Regulation: North East Area 2
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street

Tel: 020 8555 1200 extension: 52121/52100

London Borough of Newham - Development Control Unit
First Floor Westside
Newham Dockside
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU

Tel: 020 3373 9572

London Borough of Newham - Health and Safety Unit *
Licensing Team
East Ham Town Hall
Barking Road
E6 2RP

Tel: 020 8430 2000

London Borough of Newham - Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour, Noise and Nuisance Team
Licensing Team
East Ham Town Hall
Barking Road
E6 2RP

Tel: 020 8430 2000 (Ext. 40216 or 40219)

London Borough of Newham - Children's Services
Children Planning and Review Team
Second Floor East Side,
Newham Dockside
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU

Tel: 020 3373 1753

London Borough of Newham - Trading Standards
Licensing Team
East Ham Town Hall
Barking Road
E6 2RP

Tel: 020 8430 2000

NHS North East London and the City
c/o Rachel Flowers
Joint Director of Public Health
Public Health Partnerships
Newham Dockside
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU

*If your premises are not enforced by us under the Health and Safety at Work Act please send your application to the address below.

Health and Safety Executive
Licensing Applications Officer
Field Operations Division
Health and Safety Executive
Rose Court
2 Southwark Bridge

Interventions and Sanctions Directorate | Alcohol and LNR licensing Team
Lunar House
40 Wellesley Road
CR9 2BY​

Note that if you need a licence for a boat, ship or floating vessel, contact the Licensing Team as you may have to forward a copy of your application to other authorities not listed here.



Contact Licensing Authority

Address: Licensing Team
East Ham Town Hall
Barking Road
E6 2RP

Telephone: 020 8430 2000