In-year admissions - Apply for a place during the school year
For children who want a place at a Newham school now
Apply for Reception school place for September 2025
For children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 who will start a school full-time in September 2025
Apply for a Year 7 place for September 2025
For children born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 who will start a secondary-phase school in September 2025
Special education needs in Newham
Services for children and young people with special education needs (SEND) as part of the Local Offer.
School admission arrangements
London Borough of Newham’s school admission arrangements for September 2026 entry
LB Newham School Admission Arrangements - Sept 2025 (PDF)
LB Newham Determined School Admission Arrangements for September 2024 (PDF)
Determined school admission arrangements for the the school year September 2023 to 2024
Other useful information
Documents your offered Newham school must see at your welcome meeting
Which year group is my child in?
All children of UK citizens have to right to attend schools in England.
However, ‘Foreign nationals’ who do not normally live in the UK but want a school place for their child, must check that if their children have an immigration status which allows them to enter the UK and to access a state-funded school. In most cases, foreign national children in the UK have the right to attend schools in England. School admission authorities must not refuse to admit a child or remove them from their school roll based on their nationality or immigration status.
It is the responsibility of parents or carers, not the local authority or a school, to check that their children have a right, under their visa entry conditions, to study at a UK school.
Families must check their ‘right of abode’ or ‘the conditions of their immigration status’ for a state-funded school before applying for a school place in Newham.
Maintaining your child’s attendance at school is important. Find out what is expected and how we can support you and your child to stay in school.
Formal Action: Non Attendance at School
Missing school without permission
Action we can take if your child misses school
We are proud of our Special Educational Needs (SEND) provision in Newham. Find out information about how we provide for and support children and parents of those with additional needs.
Activities for children and young people with additional needs
Our schools work with parents to provide support and advice around behavioural challenges and attendance issues which can lead to sanctions including exclusion from school. Find out more about exclusion.
Permanent (expelled) and fix term exclusions
There are a wide range of adult education courses across Newham, including childcare, beauty, arts and crafts, languages and cooking.
Discover how far you live from primary schools and secondary schools in Newham and other useful information
You can view our directory for a list of all education establishments for children and young people located in Newham, with contact details and other information.
Find out more about how we are encouraging more sustainable ways of getting to school, how we are helping keep our streets and school journeys safe, and how to get help with transport if you are eligible, for example if your child has additional needs.
Find important information for parents, including school term dates, the curriculum and ho to make a complaint. As well as other useful support and information.
School term and holiday dates
Support for parents and children
Anti-bullying policies and support
Special Educational Needs and Disability Local Offer
Elective home schooling
Find out more about home schooling, your responsibilities and support available.
The Newham Virtual School (NVS) provides support for every young person in care. We work with education providers and multi-agency professionals to help looked after young people achieve their best.
Newham Virtual School team profile
Expertise and collaborative successes
Support with funding and educational plans
How we support previously looked after children
Information for designated teachers
Find out more about your options after school whether you want to continue with education or take a more vocational route into work.
Apprenticeships & traineeships
Office of the Schools Adjudicator
Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) annual report
Each year every Local Authority is required, by law under Section 88P of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (the Act), to produce an annual report to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) with information about how admissions have worked in their local area in the last school year (1 September 2023 to 31st August 2024).
Who are the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA)?
The schools adjudicators work independently from the Department for Education but are appointed by the Secretary of State for Education.
They are impartial and may not have any connection to the cases they examine. They decide on objections and variations to admission arrangements, appeals from schools directed to admit pupils, significant changes to schools and ownership of school land.
Office of the Schools Adjudicator - GOV.UK
London Borough of Newham annual report for the 2023/2024 school year
LB Newham OSA LA Report Oct 2024 (DOCX)
Pages related to education and schools
You can find more information about specific aspects of schooling on our Family Information website using the links below.