Burials and fees

At West Ham Cemetery we offer a choice of grave location, and a dedicated children’s area. We have a Muslim area, but we no longer have plots available. 

Burial fees 

The following fees are for Newham residents.   


Burial of an adult in a re-opened grave

Burial of an adult in a  reclaimed new grave for 50 years (Newham residents)

Burial of an adult in a  reclaimed new grave for 50 years (Non Newham residents)

Grave reservation





From £1810



The plot for 25 year burial does not include Muslim burials. 

New Reservee: Exclusive rights of burial for a period of 50 years Grave for two

From £3,628.00    

Fee to open an existing grave with memorial £1932.00

Re-open without existing memorial £1,793.00

ShapeOther charges  

Sundry Fees
Grave planting, winter & summer bedding plants £85
Grave planting, winter & summer bedding plants plus Maintenance £144
Transfer of exclusive rights of burial £64
Ground frame £170
Straighten ground frame (including additional top soil) £85
Interment of  Ashes
Burial cremated remains - loose £160
Burial cremated remains - casket £266
Exclusive Rights of Burial for Ashes
Ash grave (including first interment) for a period of 25 years  £1,099
Garden of remembrance (including first interment) for a period of 20 years £1,088
Standard Rose (including first interment) for a period of 10 years £426
Communal rose garden (no rights) buried loose £106

Children’s area 

We offer a designated section for the burial of children at West Ham Cemetery.

This area offers a peaceful space away from the rest of the graves where families are able to leave commemorative items such as cuddly toys and cards. These items will not be removed by cemetery staff.

Muslim burials 

We have a Muslim burial area in consecrated land at West Ham Cemetery. Unfortunately, we no longer have plots available.