Find out how Newham Council puts its vision and strategies into actionable plans and deliverable services.
Newham Workforce Strategy 2024-2026
Find out more about the Mayor of Newham, Rokhsana Fiaz.
Find out about leadership at Newham Council and how we are held accountable.
Find your councillor on the mgov website
Current committees council minutes, agendas and reports
Published Agendas Temporary page
Find out more about the role of the First Citizen and how to invite Cllr Rahman to your civic event or activity.
Find out about consultations and how to have your say on Newham Council decisions.
How to get involved in council meetings
Recently completed consultations
Find out how we consider equality, social inclusion and community cohesion issues and our Community Wealth building programme.
Find out about our priorities and how we go about our work.
Newham’s 2023 Corporate Peer Challenge – Report and Action Plan
Newham Productivity Plan 19th July 2024 (PDF)
Selling to the council
If you run a business and you want to supply goods, services, building or other works to us, you can find out how to do it by clicking on the links below.
Find out about our budgets and accounts, financial regulations, procurement, tendering and contracts.
What we spend and how we spend it
We partner with a range of external organisations in order to consult on and deliver the best service for all of our residents. Find out more about our partnerships and how they help us monitor and improve our service and support across the borough.
May 6 Election results
Find out the results for the four elections that took place in the borough on Thursday 6 May
May 6 Election results