Newham Families

The Children Health 0-19 service consists of Health Visiting, Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) and the School Health team.
Please click on the links below to find out more information on services.
Specialist Health Visiting Service
Contact us
To contact the service, please call our single point of access line on telephone number 0203 373 9983 or email
Your feedback matters
All feedback is appreciated and encouraged. Please let us know how we are doing and help us to work together to improve the health of all children in Newham.
To leave your feedback, please complete our surveys on the above team pages or speak to your health visitor and school nurse.
If you would like to leave us more detailed positive or negative feedback please visit
Due to COVID 19, the Children’s Health service will complete a risk assessment prior to booking an appointment with you. This precaution is needed to help reduce the spread of infection and to help keep everyone safe. We are working hard to make sure we provide the best quality service we can.
The outcome of the risk assessment will determine the type of contact you will receive.
The delivery of contact will either be;
- face to face (home, or community settings) and we ask that you wear a face covering.
- video call
- telephone call.
Our aim is to make Newham the best place for a child and young person to grow up, be safe and provide the environment and support for them to reach their full potential.
Brighter Futures: A Foundation for Change – A Strategic Needs assessment on Youth Safety
Find out about early years and childcare options in Newham.
Find out about Best Start in Life (BSiL) Children’s Centres in Newham
More links
Short breaks and activities available for disabled children and young people.
Free early education for three and four-year olds
Free early education for two-year olds
Activities for young people in Newham
Activities for young people with Special Educational Needs (SEND)
Holiday Activities and Food programme
The Prince's Trust programme of activities in the south region (training and job support)
Newham Enrichment Offer 2020-21
Free Cooking and Activity Programmes for Newham families
Our journey from birth to 25 years old provides you with trusted, age-related information.
The Young People and Food Security initiative is part of a series of actions to address poverty and inequality by Newham Council. It is underpinned by our Community Wealth Building, Inclusive Economy and Towards a Better Newham strategies.
Safeguarding for children and young people
Protecting Children from County Lines
Find out how to contact us if you think a child may be a victim of neglect, abuse or cruelty.
Inspection of Children's Social Care Services
More links on the Newham Safeguarding Children Partnership website
Advice for children and young people
Safeguarding for parents and carers
Safeguarding information for professionals
Parenting can be both challenging and rewarding, but sometimes extra support is needed.
Parenting Programs: Our new programs are designed to enhance your parenting journey. Whether you're caring for a newborn or dealing with teen issues, we have something valuable for every stage.
Secure Your Spot Now:
Visit our Parenting Programmes Bookings Page to secure your place in our October 2024 offerings.
Watch our resident animation now to discover Family Hub's service areas.
Early Help and Strengthening Families Offer
Find out what will happen to you when you come into care and your rights as a looked-after child.
Find out about the different places you might live if you can’t live with your parents.
Education, relationships, health and money as a looked after child
Contact with family and friends
Reviews for looked-after children: a guide for parents
Children’s social care Commissioning Team is recruiting young people who have been in care or in care aged 13-18 years as young commissioners as active agents and change makers in the development of service for children looked after.
Newham’s Children Overrepresented Pathfinder project is a Youth Justice Board Funded Project that provides access to support to children, young people and families experiencing trauma related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Youth Empowerment online programme
While our buildings are currently closed, there's still plenty of opportunities to come together online in our new Digital Youth Zone sessions. Each Youth Zone is running a weekly programme, find out more and sign up online.
See our Digital Youth Zone programme