Dynamic, diverse and determined, Newham stands apart
Our vibrant borough thrives on the incredible talent and creativity of our people and when we face challenges, we have a history of overcoming them. We need that spirit now, as Newham Borough Council faces rising costs for delivering public services. Our Mayor and Councillors will need to make extremely difficult decisions to set a balanced budget next year and to continue to deliver vital services which keep residents safe and build a fairer Newham for us all.
We never stop looking for ways in which to save money or divert costs, but as we put together our spending plans for 2025/6 we have one of our biggest challenges yet as we deal with rising costs in areas where we have a statutory duty to provide service. We are committed to listening to you for your views on developing these proposals, and adapting and changing to deliver in innovative ways which are more efficient or where we can take effective action to keep costs down where ever possible. There are many ways where we are already doing this, see our full case studies below.
We are Newham, We’ve got this.
Case Studies
Aurora uses her voice to help others find their own.
Ben is creating space for wildlife in Newham
Natasha makes sure no-one’s left behind in the digital age
Emelda’s passion for reuse and repair helps communities thrive in challenging times
Faisal’s empowering the next generation of young entrepreneurs
Mark and Cesare’s partnership working is breathing new life into Newham
Vivian and Fasreen are navigating a fairer future for Newham families
Have your say!
Share you views on how we should spend our budget and protect vital services, by filling out this survey: https://forms.office.com/e/wN3fde79wz
The survey will close on 6th January 2025. Initial findings will be shared with Councillors in Mid-November to inform the draft Council budget. A final report will be produced in mid-January after the survey has closed to inform decisions made by Cabinet members on the final Council budget for 2025/26.