Recycling collections and information

Recycling for flats and estates

If you live in a block of flats or on a housing estate then you can recycle using large, shared recycling bins. These are painted green with orange lids and you will find them close to where your rubbish bins are.  

Put your recycling into the bins loose. Do not use black sacks as these cannot be recycled.  

Often we will lock the lids of the recycling bins to stop people using them for rubbish. You can still put your recycling into the bins, using the flaps or openings on the lids. Do not leave any recycling on top of or next to the bins. 

Flats above shops 

If you live in a flat above a shop, you can recycle using our network of street recycling banks. You can recycle paper, tins, cans, plastic bottles and glass. To find your nearest recycling bank, use My Neighbourhood.

Where to put out your recycling 

Store your recycling bin or bags within the boundary of your property, and put them out for collection by 6am on the collection day. If you use orange bags, please make sure you tie them up properly before you put them out next to your rubbish bin/bags for collection.