Newham reaches another affordable housing milestone with topping out ceremony at new Greenhill Centre scheme

Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz at Topping ceremony

Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz OBE has led the ‘Topping Out’ ceremony at the Greenhill Centre in Manor Park, celebrating the new residential development reaching its highest point. 

The scheme, comprising of three new buildings, will provide 56 homes at London Affordable Rent and 25 low-cost shared ownership homes is partially funded by the Greater London Authority. Part of the Council’s Affordable Homes for Newham programme, which reflects the on-going commitment to build homes that people can afford that Mayor Fiaz pledged since her election in 2018, the scheme also supports the Council’s Just Transition Climate Action plan as the homes will be built to Passivhaus standards and reduce energy bills.  

Newham Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz OBE said: “In just three short weeks, the new government has confirmed its intention to build 1.5 million homes to tackle the biggest housing crisis facing our country. Working with council’s like Newham will be vital to turbo-charge a sustained national house-building programme, especially social rent homes. Our Greenhill Centre scheme in Manor Park is one of a plethora stretching the breadth of our borough because we are on a mission to support our residents with homes they can afford.”

“We have amongst the highest number of families with children living in temporary accommodation anywhere in the country; and are bearing the brunt of the UK’s temporary accommodation crisis through no fault of our own. We are ready to work with the government, GLA and Homes England as we have know-how and expertise to build thousands of more energy efficient social rent homes on the land that we own.”

The Greenhill Centre scheme marks a major milestone in delivering much-needed affordable housing to Manor Park. The development, designed by renowned architect Haworth Tomkins and build by Higgins, includes demolition, enabling works, substantial landscape and highway improvements and will also include a gym. The homes are designed to reduce energy use through low heating requirements, improve thermal comfort, and ensure good indoor air quality; as part of Newham Council’s Just Transition Action Plan to meet its Net Zero target by 2045. 

Additionally, as part of the Council’s inclusive growth strategy and Community Wealth Building agenda, the scheme is creating 52 new employment opportunities for local residents, including 14 apprenticeships and 5 internships; and all paid at the London Living Wage. These roles are being recruited through specialist community agencies to ensure a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Find out more about the Greenhill Centre here.

Read more about Newham Council’s Affordable Homes for Newham Programme here.

Published: 30 Jul 2024