Journey of a Child

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Our journey from birth to 25 years old provides you with trusted, age-related information. 

It will help you navigate your way through the many activities and services available locally to support you and your family in Newham, and to ensure that your child or children are happy, healthy and ready to learn.

Click through to your child's age on the icons below to view some of the local services and support available.

Pregnancy & Birth 1 year old 2 years old 3 years old
4 years old 5 Years old 6 Years Old 7 Years Old
8 Years Old 9 Years Old 10 Years Old 11 Years Old
12 Years Old 13 Years Old

14 Years Old

15 Years Old
16 Years Old 17 Years Old 18-25 Years Old Support across all ages

Some Life Events for a child in Newham

Here, you can find links to pages on our website relating to life events for a child.