Regeneration project: Green Street

Green Street Programme

Working alongside the local community, a programme of projects has been designed to improve and support the designated Green Street town centre. The Council is looking at all possible opportunities and is seeking to secure grant funding to support the delivery of some capital projects to support Queen's Market and Green Street. Other projects within the programme include the development of a town centre strategy and the commissioning of investigative studies to better understand the wide range of options for council-owned land that could possibly support the town centre and its offer for Newham residents, businesses and visitors to Green Street.

These regeneration projects are being led by our Community Wealth Building team. 

View the Cabinet Report (PDF) for more details on the background to the Green Street Programme.

Town centre strategy for Green Street 

The Council has been working with local residents and businesses to develop and co-design a town centre delivery plan for Green Street. This process has identified a set of principles, projects and partnerships that will help to improve the town centre to become an integral part of the Council’s Towards a Better Newham Covid-19 Recovery Strategy  and Community Wealth Building Strategy.

For regular updates on the Queen’s Market progress, visit the Co-create page.

Keep up to date on the Green Street project

If you would like to be kept informed or you have any questions about the Green Street Programme, please contact the Regeneration team on the email below.